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VICRoads Offices in Yarram

Do you need to make an appointment at the VICRoads offices in Yarram? Below you will find a list of addresses and telephones of the Vicroads offices to carry out the following procedures.

What is VICRoads?

VicRoads or Roads Corporation of Victoria is a statutory corporation in the state of Victoria, Australia, and is responsible for driver’s license and vehicle registration and regulating the accident towing industry in Victoria. It is part of the Department of Transportation.

Prior to July 2019, it was the Victoria Road and Traffic Authority, which was also responsible for the maintenance and construction of the arterial road network, and for road safety policy and research. These functions were transferred or delegated to the Department of Transportation on July 1, 2019.

Renew license VICRoads Offices in Yarram

If you need to renew license your nautical or driving license, you can do it quickly and easily using the following services at the office of Yarram.

Replace license VICRoads Offices in Yarram

If your driver’s license has been stolen, lost or damaged, as a driver you can apply for a new license by following the steps below at the offices of Yarram.

Update license in Yarram

As a driver, you are responsible for keeping all personal data up to date at all times. So, in the event that your address or any personal information has changed, it will be necessary to update it in the system and inform the VICRoads Offices in Yarram as soon as possible.

Your LS in Yarram

New drivers must apply for the learner’s license at the VICRoads Offices in Yarram. To continue this, you must be 16 years of age or older and must pass the driving test.

Your PS in Yarram

The probationary driver’s license will be issued for all those who are starting to drive in the Victoria area, and for those who have lost their license for various reasons. There will be various requirements for obtaining a trial license, and it is the driver’s responsibility to understand and adhere to these minimum requirements.

Registration renewal in Yarram

Drivers must renew their vehicle registration with VicRoads every year. The VICRoads Offices in Yarram will send a notification 6 weeks before the expiration date so you never miss the date.

Registration update in Yarram

If you need to update any information in your registry, you can easily do so using the VicRoads services at Yarram at your disposal.

Registration Cancel in Yarram

Drivers can cancel their registration at any time and request a refund for the period in which they will not be able to use their vehicle or boat.

Buy Vehicle in Yarram

To complete these types of transactions legally, it is very important that you are well organized and comply with all VICRoads Offices in Yarram recommendations.

Sell Vehicle in Yarram

When selling or transferring a vehicle it is very important that the process is well organized and complies with the VicRoads recommendations to be able to do it legally you can go to the offices of Yarram.

For Verification of the process in Yarram please visit the Official Victorian Roads Website

Customer Service Centers close to Yarram

Morwell Customer Service Center

  • 87 Princes Dr, 3840
  • 71.87 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

Selling Customer Service Center

  • 28 Prions Hwy, 3850
  • 96.49 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

Leongatha Customer Service Center

  • 11 Anderson St (Highway Gippsland Highway), 3953
  • 107.64 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

Warragul Customer Service Center

  • Unit 5 131 North Road, 3820
  • 126.34 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

VicRoads agencies close to Yarram

Neilson Pharmacy

  • 247 Commercial Road, 3971
  • 4.9 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

Foons Photography

  • 72 Mc Bride Avenue, 3995
  • 156.24 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

Australian Post – Cowes

  • 73 – 79 thompson Ave, 3922
  • 206.07 km. from Yarram
  • 13 13 18

Kodak Express Craft Studios / Photo

  • 42A High Street (Rear), 3915
  • 216.51 km. from Yarram
  • 03 5979 3295

Road Management Offices close to Yarram

Eastern Regional Office

  • 120 Kay St, 3844
  • 68.31 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

South East Project Office

  • 40 Belgrave-Hallam Road, 3803
  • 223.66 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

South East City Regional Office

  • 12 Lakeside, 3151
  • 249.49 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

Policy & Programs, City – Central Projects

  • 1 Spring Street, 3000
  • 276.51 km. from Yarram
  • 13 11 71

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